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Pool And Tennis Court Information

Pool, Tennis and Pickleball Court Hours:
8AM to 10PM

Please observe these hours as a courtesy to those neighbors who live near these areas.


THOA Pool, Tennis & Pickleball Court Rules 


Neither the Homeowners Association members nor board members are liable for claims, injuries incurred, loss, or damage to any personal property arising from the use of the Tanglewood Homeowner Association grounds, pool, tennis, or pickleball court by the residents, their families, or their guests. 


It is the responsibility of each resident to see that these rules are enforced in order to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for each of the members. 


The board has the obligation and right to suspend the membership and privileges of any member(s) that do not follow the rules. This includes lending your Tanglewood pool / tennis court key to HOA non-members. 


Pool, Tennis & Pickleball Court Hours: 8 AM to 10 PM 

Please observe these hours as a courtesy to those neighbors who live near these areas. 


Pool Rules 


All persons use the pool at their own risk. It should be understood that the pool is provided for the use and convenience of residents complying with the following rules. 


  1. NO LIFEGUARD IS ON DUTY. All persons using the pool do so at their own risk. Management is not liable for claims arising from the use of the pool by residents, their families, or guests.

  2. Pool(s) may be used by Tanglewood 2 Homeowners and their guests only. Guests must be accompanied by a homeowner. Please have consideration for other members when utilizing this guest privilege.

  3. No solo swimming permitted as a lifeguard or other supervision are not provided.

  4. Children under the age of 4 MUST be accompanied by a RESPONSIBLE ADULT. A responsible adult is defined as 18 years or older.

  5. Pets are NOT allowed in the pool or pool area at any time.

  6. Persons with CONTAGIOUS DISEASES or INFECTIONS are not permitted in the pool (e.g. chicken pox, Covid 19). 

  7. Absolutely NO GLASS containers allowed in the pool fenced-in area.

  8. Absolutely no climbing, hanging, or sitting on the pool fence.

  9. Proper swim attire is required for swimming. Cut-off jeans and other street clothes are prohibited.

  10. RUNNING, CANON BALLING, DIVING, ROUGH HOUSING, FOUL LANGUAGE, INEBRIATION, or any other behavior which serves to detract from a responsible and pleasant atmosphere is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 

  11. No inflatable boats or 2-person or more floating devices, including rafts, are allowed at any time


Court Rules 


All persons use the court at their own risk. 


  1. Rubber-soled tennis shoes and proper attire are required.

  2. For the safety of small children, baby equipment (strollers, etc.) and pets must be kept outside of the fence.

  3. After 6:00 PM and on the weekend, adult members (18 years and older) have court preference. 

  4. Limit play to one hour if others are waiting.

  5. Rollerblading, skateboarding, or bicycling on the tennis court is not permitted at any time.



Need a replacement key?

If you have lost your pool / tennis key, replacements are available.

Please email with your name and address.

We will work to get you a replacement as quickly as possible.

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