Tanglewood Homeowners Association – Meeting Minutes 11/21/24
Website: https://www.tanglewoodha.com/
Email: hoatanglewoodboard@gmail.com
In Attendance:
Andrew LaPorte
Jeff “Murph” Murphy
Kelly Schatzel
Mike Rozzo
Tim Meyung
Meeting Details:
Start Time: 8:05 PM
End Time: 8:51 PM
Agenda Items:
1. Outstanding Dues
All dues have been received
2. Pool and Tennis Area Improvements
The board is also actively exploring installing a keycard access system for the pool area. A community input opportunity will be announced once the options are reviewed by the Board.
3. Directory Project
Thank you all to those who provided updated information via e-mail and mail. Copies of the directory will be available once finished at the printer, and a widespread announcement will be made once available for distribution.
4. Santa Visit & Holiday Event
Save the Date! Cookies with Santa is scheduled to visit on November 30th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Santa's got a brand-new truck! From Scratch Hot Cocoa with marshmallows and chocolate drizzle and Cookies will be for sale. Photo opportunities with the big man will also be available from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
5. Annual Meeting
If interested in volunteering on the board directors please reach out to the nominating committee chairman, Andy Gordon at gordonaw83@gmail.com.
The annual meeting will be held on January 14th at 7:30 pm per the bylaws via Google Meet
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Date: 1/14/2025
Time: 7:30 PM
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