Tanglewood Homeowners Association – Meeting Minutes 1/10/23 Google Meets
Website: https://www.tanglewoodha.com/
Email: hoatanglewoodboard@gmail.com
In Attendance: Andy Gordon, Brian Purdy, Jeff “Murph” Murphy, Kelley Schatzel, Mike Rozzo, Andrew LaPorte, Timothy Meyung
Election for Board Positions – All members up for election keep seats.
Treasurer’s Report:
- All HOA dues are paid
HOA Finances:
- 2023 Budget being prepared will be voted on in February
New Business:
- Getting quotes for pool step repair, pool light, and possible replacement cover end of the season
- Board exploring updating pool locks for all locations
- Beautification project - 4-foot wreath – pool cover – tall oaks duration of the contract – redoing all locks of keys at pool and tennis court – bathroom keys
- Getting quotes on Stump grinding
- Quotes on mulch for playground, looking at late April – May. Hoping to have community volunteers come out again.
- Board discussing beautification projects for common areas
- Looking to update Recycling Bin in the pool area
- Getting quotes for furniture for kid’s pool area
Old Business:
- Big thank you Kelly for coordinating Christmas in the Hood with the Marina!!!
- Resurfacing of the parking lot for the Common area finished and accessible
Next Scheduled Meeting: February 16th @ 7:30 via Google Meets