Tanglewood Homeowners’ Association
Meeting July 23, 2020 Location: THOA Pool House @7:00 – 9:00
In attendance: President Bob Haemmerle, Vice President Janet Hillard, Treasurer Suzy Wood, IT/Communications Tim Meyung, Grounds/Pool Kelly Rotheiser, Secretary Brian Purdy
Hot Topics:
- Pool Hours will be extended from 8 pm until 10 pm. We do ask that all members be respectful to the neighbors surrounding the pool and be conscientious about cleanliness and noise coming from the pool at late hours.
- We are also looking into extending pool days, which will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Food Trucks/Activities: We received questions about whether trucks were allowed to be on the Pool parking lot. They are, we just ask that a member of the board be notified beforehand. We are not setting a time frame on this so use your best judgment. As far as coordinating these events all funds must be outside HOA dues. Most of these have been promoted on the THOA Facebook page and can be added to the new website once it’s up and running.
- All expenses for the year are paid to date and association dues are current for HOA.
- A new lockbox for the pool temperature gauge was installed (accessible to board members and approved maintenance parties).
- The by-laws have been updated to allow “non-commercial trucks” parked in driveways for extended periods of time.
Old Business: New pool deck furniture has been delivered and we are excited to update the commons area with a newer, attractive look. Based on last HOA meeting minutes the pool has been reopened with a waiver to be turned into THOA mailbox at 6337 Dustywind Lane, right across from the pool. IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE THIS, PLEASE DO SO.
New Business:
- The Board is looking into a more user-friendly platform for the website - to be more attractive and easier to use.
- Board talked briefly about contingency plans regarding COVID19 - i.e. for future meetings via Zoom, WebEx, etc.
- A new HOA Gmail account has been created – with Tim and Brian Purdy running the account.
- If there is someone who is not receiving emails from the HOA please email/call Tim or one of the members, so we have all the right address’. We would like to make emails the most common way for correspondence going forward so please reach out if you know a member not receiving emails.
- We have some issues with the pool lights timer stemming from an issue with the outlets and overall electrical panel so we will be having a certified electrician looking into the issue to fix and make sure that everything is safe and up to code. Please refrain from using any of the outlets until this has been resolved.
- Bylaws: The board is currently looking into bylaws and covenants to see if updates are needed. Preliminary research is being collected and will follow up in the next meeting. If you or someone would like to assist in this, please let us know. We are not sure if it’s needed but if so, we will kindly accept help.
Tennis Courts – Suzy and Kelly are looking into the costs of upkeeping/re-finishing the tennis court. We plan to discuss it more in detail at the September meeting if you have questions please bring them.
Board talked briefly about utilizing Facebook, but the board will remain independent of the neighborhood site. Currently titled, THOA “Fun in the Hood”, maintained by Megan Jones.
To be Addressed at next meeting:
- Upkeep of facilities; create a more attractive environment for prospective homeowners
- Email correspondence, communicating with Board
- Update Tennis Courts – go over options
- Talk about extending the pool close date
- As HOA members what do people want/expect from new HOA
- Waivers/Guest Policy
Next scheduled meeting: August 20th @7:00 at the pool